there's something about warm, creamy rice pudding that just so.....sigh....delicious. it's immediate comfort in a bowl. in a cup. in a jar. a spoon right out of the pan (not that i would ever do that, of course). it's the perfect dessert, the perfect breakfast, the perfect afternoon snack. if you have left over cooked rice you have the perfect reason to put this together. it requires few ingredients and only about an hour of somewhat watchful time.
here's what you need:
3 cups cooked rice (my favorite is short grain brown but you could use whatever you have on hand)
1 can coconut cream (14 oz)
1 can coconut milk (14 oz) full fat or light
1/4 cup to 1/2 cup raw sugar (regular sugar can be used. probably brown also though i haven't tried it)
1/8 - 1/4 tsp sea salt (to taste)
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 vanilla bean, split
1/4 tsp cinnamon
if you don't have left over rice, just cook your rice of choice per instructions. this is usually one part rice to two parts water brown rice takes longer to cook than white but i prefer it; fuller bodied, nuttier, and better for you. this is the time to add the salt listed in the recipe. if you're using left over rice you can add the salt when adding the spices. you could also leave the salt out completely but it does enhance the flavor if you use it. start with the smallest amount - you can always add more.
to the cooked rice add the coconut cream, coconut milk, sugar, vanilla bean and spices. bring everything to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer. you want to let everything cook until the liquid is almost completely absorbed by the rice. this will take about 45 minutes. be sure to give it a stir every now and then.
it's done when it looks like this. your kitchen will smell amazing and holiday-ish. the rice pudding will be crazy creamy and you'll be ready for a bowl. eat it as is or add rasins, dried apricots or dried cherries. toasted, slivered almonds give a nice crunch. and....not only is this the perfect dessert for those in your home who may be lactose intolerant, you'll also get the added benefits of coconut. yeah you!

I have been looking for a rice pudding recipe! I don't have any coconut milk or cream right now, so I will put this one on my list! Thanks!